Purina Pet Care
T.W. Roy Excavation, Inc. invites you to view a few of our recent projects. From preconstruction to site utilities to mass earthwork, we are your expert for total site development.

2,000,000 CY Mass Excavation
500,000 CY Stabilization/Modification
900,000 TONS Limestone Placement
20,000 LF Storm Sewer
15,000 LF Sanitary Sewer
5,000 LF Process Waste
4,500 LF Water Main
20,000 LF Fire Main
1 Pump Station
500,000 SY of Subgrade Preparation
4 Water Quality Control Basin
15,000LF of Curb
300,000 SY of Paving
2 Lift Stations
100 Acres Seeding